Library Ltac

Require Export List.

Ltac add_to_distinct_list x xs :=
match xs with
 | nilconstr:(x::xs)
 | x::_fail 1
 | ?y::?yslet zs := add_to_distinct_list x ys in constr:(y::zs)

Ltac collect_nats_list xs :=
match goal with
 | [ N : nat |- _ ] ⇒ let ys := add_to_distinct_list N xs
                       in collect_nats_list ys
 | _xs

Ltac collect_nats := collect_nats_list (@nil nat).

Fixpoint sum_plus1 (l:list nat) : nat :=
match l with
nil ⇒ 1
| x::xsx+(sum_plus1 xs)

Ltac destruct_one_ex :=
  let tac H := let ph := fresh "H" in (destruct H as [H ph]) in
  let tac2 H := let ph := fresh "H" in let ph' := fresh "H" in
    (destruct H as [H ph ph'])
  let tacT H := let ph := fresh "X" in (destruct H as [H ph]) in
  let tacT2 H := let ph := fresh "X" in let ph' := fresh "X" in
    (destruct H as [H ph ph'])
    match goal with
      | [H : (ex _) |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H : (sig ?P) |- _ ] ⇒ tac H
      | [H : (sigT ?P) |- _ ] ⇒ tacT H
      | [H : (ex2 _ _) |- _] ⇒ tac2 H
      | [H : (sig2 ?P _) |- _ ] ⇒ tac2 H
      | [H : (sigT2 ?P _) |- _ ] ⇒ tacT2 H

Ltac destruct_exists := repeat (destruct_one_ex).

Definition Q:natProp := fun (n:nat) ⇒ True.

Goal n m k : nat, n=m m=k n=k p:nat,Q p.
let l:= collect_nats in (sum_plus1 l).
unfold Q; auto.