Library HRwequal

Require Export HRw.

Module mHRwequal (N:Num_w).

Import N.
Module Export HH := mHRw(N).

Definition HRwequal (x y : HRw) : Prop :=
match x with @exist _ _ xx Hxx
match y with @exist _ _ yy Hyy
( n, lim n 0 < n ( (n×|xx + (- yy)|) w))
end end.

Lemma HRwequal_refl : x, HRwequal x x.
intros x; case x; intros xx Hxx; simpl.
setoid_replace (xx+ -xx) with 0 by ring.
rewrite abs_pos_val.
setoid_replace (n×0) with 0 by ring.
intros; apply lt_le; apply Aw.
apply le_refl.

Lemma HRwequal_sym : x y, HRwequal x y HRwequal y x.
intros x y; case x; intros xx Hxx; case y; intros yy Hyy; simpl.
assert (|yy + - xx |==|xx + - yy |).
setoid_replace (yy + -xx) with (- (xx + - yy)) by ring.
rewrite abs_minus; reflexivity.
rewrite H2.
apply H; solve [intuition].

Lemma HRwequal_trans : x y z, HRwequal x y HRwequal y z HRwequal x z.
intros x; case x; intros xx Hxx;
intros y; case y; intros yy Hyy;
intros z; case z; intros zz Hzz.
simpl; intros Hxy Hyz n Hlim Hlt.
apply le_mult_inv with (a1+a1).
setoid_replace 0 with (0+0) by ring.
apply lt_plus; apply lt_0_1.
apply le_trans with ((1+1)*n*(|xx + - yy| + |yy + - zz|)).
rewrite mult_assoc.
apply le_mult.
setoid_replace 0 with ((1+1)*0) by ring.
apply le_mult.
setoid_replace 0 with (0+0) by ring; apply le_plus; apply lt_le; apply lt_0_1.
apply lt_le; assumption.
setoid_replace (xx + -zz) with ((xx + -yy)+(yy + - zz)) by ring.
apply abs_triang.
setoid_replace ((1+1)* w) with (w + w) by ring.
setoid_replace ((1+1)*n) with (n+n) by ring.
apply le_plus.
apply Hxy.
apply ANS2a; assumption.
setoid_replace 0 with (0+0) by ring; apply lt_plus; assumption.
apply Hyz.
apply ANS2a; assumption.
setoid_replace 0 with (0+0) by ring; apply lt_plus; assumption.

End mHRwequal.