Library Euler

Require Export List.
Require Export w_n2.

Export LSn2.

Fixpoint LS_Euler_stepA beta a b (f:A × A A) m : list (A × A × A) :=
match m with
O(a / beta, b / beta, b mod% beta)::nil
| (S k) ⇒ let r := (LS_Euler_stepA beta a b f k) in
let '(ttk, xtk, xhk) := hd (a0, a0, a0) r in
let ftk := (f ((ttk × beta) + (a mod% beta) , (xtk × beta) + xhk)) / beta in
( ttk + a1,
  xtk + (xhk + ftk) / beta,
  (xhk + ftk) mod% beta ) :: r

Definition div_m (m:nat) (a:A) (b:A) := Zdiv (a m) (b m).
Definition modulo_m (m:nat) (a:A) (b:A) := Zmod (a m) (b m).

Open Scope Z_scope.

Fixpoint LS_EulerA_m m beta a b f k : (list (Z × Z × Z)) :=
match k with
  O((div_m m a beta), (div_m m b beta), (modulo_m m b beta))::nil
| S klet r := (LS_EulerA_m m beta a b f k)
           let '(t_tild, x_tild, x_chap) := (hd (0%Z,0%Z,0%Z) r)
           let f_tild := Zdiv (f m (t_tild × (beta m) + (modulo_m m a beta), x_tild × (beta m) + x_chap)) (beta m)
           let s := x_chap + f_tild
         (t_tild + 1, x_tild + s / (beta m), (Zmod s (beta m))) :: r

Definition euler_m := LS_EulerA_m.

Definition Euler_it_coq beta a b f k_om l_prof := (fun meuler_m m beta a b f (k_om m)) l_prof.

Close Scope Z_scope.

Definition g2 (x:A × A) : A := (a1+a1)* w.
Definition g35 (x:A × A) : A := divA ((a1+a1+a1)* w) (a1+a1+a1+a1+a1).
Definition g_exp (v:A×A) : A := match v with (t,x)x end.
Definition g_parabole (v:A×A) : A := match v with (t,x)t end.
Definition g : A×A A := g_parabole.

Definition resultA0 := (LS_Euler_stepA beta a0 a0 g (0)).
Eval compute in resultA0.
Eval compute in (List.length resultA0).

Definition resultA1 := (LS_Euler_stepA beta a0 a0 g (50)).

Cd "code/extraction".

Extraction Language Ocaml.

Extract Inductive prod ⇒ "(*)" [ "(,)" ].
Extract Inductive bool ⇒ "bool" ["true" "false"].
Extract Inductive sumbool ⇒ "bool" ["true" "false"].

Extract Inductive positive ⇒ "int" ["(fun x -> 2*x+1)" "(fun x -> 2*x)" "1"]
"(fun fxI fxO fxH n -> if n=1 then fxH () else if (n mod 2)=0 then (fxO (n/2)) else (fxI (n/2)))".

Extract Inductive Z ⇒ "int" ["0" "(fun x -> x)" "(fun x -> -x)"]
"(fun fZ0 fZpos fZneg n -> if (n=0) then fZ0 () else if (n>0) then fZpos (n) else fZneg (-n))".

Extract Inductive list ⇒ "list" ["([])" "(::)"].

Extract Constant Zcompare ⇒ "(fun x y -> if (x=y) then Eq else if (x<y) then Lt else Gt)".
Extract Constant Psucc ⇒ "(fun x -> x+1)".
Extract Constant Pplus ⇒ "(fun x y -> x+y)".
Extract Constant Pplus_carry ⇒ "(fun x y -> x+y)".
Extract Constant Pmult ⇒ "(fun x y -> x*y)".
Extract Constant Pminus ⇒ "(fun x y -> x-y)".
Extract Constant Pdouble_minus_two ⇒ "(fun x -> IsNul)".
Extract Constant Pminus_mask ⇒ "(fun x y -> IsNul)".
Extract Constant Pminus_mask_carry ⇒ "(fun x y -> IsNul)".
Extract Constant Pdouble_minus_one ⇒ "(fun x -> 2*x+1)".
Extract Constant Zdiv_eucl_POS ⇒ "(fun x y -> (x/y, x mod y))".
Extract Constant Zdiv_eucl ⇒ "(fun x y -> (x/y, x mod y))".

Extract Constant Zplus ⇒ "(fun x y -> x+y)".
Extract Constant Zmult ⇒ "(fun x y -> x*y)".
Extract Constant Zopp ⇒ "(fun x -> -x)".

Extract Constant Zge_bool ⇒ "(fun x y -> x >= y)".
Extract Constant Zgt_bool ⇒ "(fun x y -> x > y)".

Extract Constant Zabs ⇒ "(fun x -> if x < 0 then -x else x)".

Observing what we extracted

Fixpoint print_3 m r := (A*(A×A)) (Z*(Z×Z)) (fun umatch u with (a, (b, c))(a m, (b m, c m)) end) r.
Fixpoint print_2 m r := (A*(A×A)) (Z×Z) (fun umatch u with (a, (b, c))(a m, b m) end) r.
Fixpoint print_1 m r := (A*(A×A)) Z (fun umatch u with (a, (b, c)) ⇒ (b m) end) r.

Extraction "" resultA0 resultA1 Euler_it_coq print_3 print_2 print_1.

Cd "../..".